A disciple is someone who intentionally spends time with Jesus and lives like Him, practicing what He did and commanded. Disciples need a teacher. Jesus is not only our teacher but our Savior. In spending time with Him we see both His heart and His way of life for those who follow Him. A disciple is one who makes being with Jesus the top priority in their life.


Pursuing these practices will help you to be with Jesus and make Him the priority of your life. We recommend that you pursue these with others and intentionality in your daily life where God has placed you.


Worship is the outpouring of our gratitude for who God is and how He has blessed us. Worship is the heartbeat of why we gather, grow, and go as disciples.


God has both modeled and commanded that all humans rest. Rest is essential to renewal and creating space to prepare for what’s next.



Prayer is one of two practices that are central to a life with God. Jesus taught us to pray. His Holy Spirit leads us to pray and intercedes for us. Prayer should be an essential part of our daily rhythm.


Reading the Bible is the second of two practices that are central to a life with God. The Bible is how God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are revealed to us. The Holy Spirit uses the Bible to speak into us and help us recognize His voice. The Bible is a useful tool for all disciples of Jesus.


Fasting is choosing to abstain from something (usually food) for a fixed period of time with the sole purpose of using that abstinence to focus on God’s provision and our need.



Sacraments are holy actions that God connects His promises and Word to, that we participate in, and in turn receive His grace. Sacraments are unique practices that bring us to be with Jesus, because He is The Word and to be like Jesus, because He participated in them when He walked the earth.