Join us in person or online at 9 am and 10:45 am every Sunday morning right here. If you need help finding a local church in your area feel free to email us info@theway618.church or call 618-504-8585.
You can also join us Thursdays at noon in person or on Facebook and YouTube live for Prayer & Worship.
We also host quarterly Upper Room worship nights for extended worship and prayer.
If you are married and/or have children mark these True or False
- In our home there is weekly/daily bible time.
- In our home being with Jesus is top priority.
- In our home weekly worship is non-negotiable.
- In our home at least one meal a day is eaten together, without screens or other distractions.
- In our home there is a weekly, 24-hour period of rest.
- In our home we do as much as possible together.
- In our home we are hospitable and invite others to do life with us.
Take whatever ones you marked as false and spend some time planning and implementing a way to change that. What will you need to stop doing to make home togetherness a priority?
We have groups that gather together seasonally for multiple weeks in a row, and some that gather on a regular basis throughout the year. If you are interested in starting or joining a Way Group